Your brand identity is an integral part of your company. It’s how the public views your organization and relates to your business. Crafting a brand identity that promotes your values and mission can help you establish a positive and authentic foothold in the marketplace.


Practically, think of the strength of a brand as simply being the firm’s reputation times its visibility within its target client group.

Brand strength =
Your reputation x Your visibility

Why Invest?

The best identity programs embody and advance the company’s brand by supporting desired perceptions. Identity becomes intrinsic to a company’s culture – guiding all decisions to achieve its core values and thus greater success.

Steps to define your brand identity.

  1. Establish a brand strategy and goals
  2. Know your values and mission
  3. Assess your current brand identity
  4. Understand your audience
  5. Know your competition
  6. Outline your identity
  7. Define your voice
  8. Consider the visual elements
  9. Design the elements
  10. Create your brand style guide
  11. Implement your brand identity

Who are your audiences?

Reputation and goodwill extend far beyond a brand’s target customers. Employees are now called “internal customers” because their power is far-reaching. Gaining insight into stakeholders (customers, employees, partners, the community, stock holders, etc.) characteristics, behavior, needs, and perceptions yields a high return.